Gosht ka Achar Recipe (Traditional Meat Pickle)

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  • Spicy

Today we are going to make a completely different pickle that is made from meat. In areas where it is very cold, the meat is dried and its pickles are eaten in many varieties of Kun food.

  • 60 Minutes
  • Serves 10
  • Easy


  • Making meat Pickle





marinade The Mutton

Take mutton in a bowl, add turmeric powder and salt just mix them and cook for 10 minutes on low heat in a pressure cooker. Do not add extra water which will be the water of the meat, it will melt in it.


Fry Mutton

Shift this meat into a frying pan and add ginger garlic paste to it. Fry the meat well and take it out in a separate bowl. Now fry the ginger garlic in the remaining oil for five minutes. And at the end add the red chilies and turn off the stove. Add coriander, cumin, black pepper, rye seeds, fenugreek seeds, cologne, fennel, curry leaves, red chili powder, chili flakes, and turmeric, these are all spices in the same oil and now add the fried meat. Add lemon juice.


Again Fry Mutton with Spices

Turn on the stove again for 2 minutes and cook over low heat. So your pickle is ready. Now you keep it safe from water and when it cools down, put it in an airtight container and store it for six to seven months in the fridge.

Kun Foods

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